About Me

Your Personal Trainer

Hey, I’m Kat! I’m a Denver-based personal trainer, health & nutrition coach, and competitive powerlifter. I love snowboarding, complicated board games, and breakfast burritos.


I also love helping people feel amazing in their bodies. In particular, I love helping women get strong (maybe for the first time in their lives) and helping people get out of pain without giving up the activities they love. But male or female or non-binary, if you’re somebody who wants to get strong, feel amazing, and eat foods you enjoy, I would love to help! I would also love for you to not break your body in the process.


If you want to know more about my coaching philosophies, read on. Feel free to also check out the FAQ section, or reach out if you have any unanswered questions!


TL;DR: I want to help you reach your goals, get unbreakably strong, and feel awesome in your skin suit. And I promise this: I will never peddle you bullsh*t.


My Coaching Philosophy

Personal Training:

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to improving your health and fitness. The perfect training program is the one that allows you to 1) train the foundational movement patterns of the body (squat, hinge, lunge, push, pull, and carry), and 2) pursue your specific goals, in whatever ways feel good to your body, don’t create pain, and are something you actually enjoy.


Those foundational patterns are the movements you do every day—when you sit down on the toilet; when you carry your groceries into the house; when you put something away on the top shelf; when you pick literally anything up off the floor. But there are so many ways and methods we can train them in the gym.


The only reason you ever have to put a barbell on your back or pick a barbell up off the floor is if you plan to compete in a powerlifting meet. Otherwise, if barbell lifts just aren’t your style, that’s fine. If you think they’re super fun and you want to train that way, that’s also great.


Bottom line—you’re in the driver’s seat. You tell me where you want to go, and I will help you get there in the most efficient, safest way possible, while also making sure you have a ton of fun getting there.

Personal trainer performs a barbell front squat with excellent form

As your coach, I will:

  • Listen to what your goals are (and if you’re unsure, maybe I can help figure it out). Maybe your goals are mostly aesthetics-based. Maybe they’re about strength, or performance, or a particular skill. Tell me about it all.
  • Obsess over creating a fully-personalized, well-structured program to get you to your goals.
  • Make sure you’re performing movements in a way that will maximize your progress and your safety to make you as shatterproof as possible.

If any of this resonates with you—let’s do this!

A delicious and well-balanced meal of a turkey and cheese wrap with protein chips

Health and Nutrition:

You know your body and your life better than anyone, least of all me. There is no universally right or wrong way to eat. There are no “good” or “bad” foods. My first step in beginning a coaching relationship is listening to what you really want and how you envision your happiest and healthiest self, and then take a deep dive into what has or hasn’t been working for you up to this point. Together we’ll identify the path to get you to your goals that best fits your lifestyle and allows you to feel fulfilled all throughout the process, not just at some indeterminate point in the future.


Life-long changes and true transformation come when all parts of your health are working together. Your journey towards your goals won’t look like anyone else’s journey, as we address the things that have been holding you back from thriving. You are not a number or just a sack of bones and goo. You are a beautiful, complex human with unique experiences, perspectives, and dreams.

I use Precision Nutrition’s approach of coaching for Deep Health to get all six dimensions of your health working in sync: physical, mental, emotional, social, existential, and environmental. I am not here to give you a specific meal plan (legally, anyone other than a Registered Dietitian generally shouldn’t be writing meal plans). I am not here to just drop some macros on you (macronutrient tracking is something in the toolbox we can use, but certainly don’t have to).


As a certified health and wellness coach, I can:

  • Provide education about the principles of nutrition and good health, and the pros and cons of certain eating styles for your lifestyle and goals.
  • Help you find recipes and learn food prep skills as wanted or needed.
  • Help you generate awareness around potential cause and effect and break the chain of behaviors that aren’t helpful to you.
  • Help you build the skills you need to make sustainable change and bounce back from setbacks.
  • Give motivation and encouragement and help you through the times you feel “stuck”.
  • Help you find a beautiful life balance.

I want to help you eat and live in ways that will make you feel incredible. You are in the driver’s seat. Let me be your map and help you find the best route to where—and who—you want to be. That best possible version of you is already in there. I just want to help you find it.

Am I the right coach for you?

I won’t claim to be the best coach/personal trainer for everybody. (If I did, I would be full of sh*t.)

A lot depends on how specific your goals are. For example, if you want to:


  • Improve your marathon time—I’m probably not the best coach for you.
  • Get into competitive bodybuilding—I’m probably not the best coach for you.
  • Refine your skill in Olympic lifts—I’m probably not the best coach for you.

I just don’t have the personal experience or practical knowledge to coach certain hyper-specific goals. I wouldn’t be able to advise you very well when it came to comp prep or give you feedback on your running form. (But if these things are your jam, let me know! I might be able to refer you to someone who’s a better fit.)


However, if any of these apply, and you:


  • Love strength training and want to keep doing it without hurting all the time…
  • Are just getting started in the gym and feel like you have no idea what you’re doing…
  • Want a little extra structure, personalization, or accountability
  • Are, or want to become, a powerlifter and compete…
  • Want to get really f*cking strong and don’t have much of a preference for how you get there…
  • Want to break the cycle of yo-yo dieting, restriction, or overly obsessive tracking…
  • Just want to feel like a happier, healthier, and stronger version of yourself…

I got you.


If you’ve been told you have to give up X activity or movement FOREVER because you have a “bad” knee/back/shoulder/whatever…let’s see if we can’t prove them wrong. There’s more options than you might think.

Still not sure if we would be a good fit? Let’s talk about it! You can email me or DM me on Instagram, or you can sign up for a free consultation.


Consultations are always free. I care more about you finding a coach who’s the right fit than I do about “making the sale.” (Plus, we should make sure our personalities jive before we commit to spending a lot of time, in-person or virtual, together.)

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